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I am delighted to welcome each of you to the upcoming Energy Management Conference & EXPO, themed “Energy Transition Challenges,” scheduled for 11 – 13 February 2025. This remarkable event, graced by the esteemed presence of H.E. Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, is dedicated to addressing the pressing issues of global warming and the complexities surrounding the energy transition.

The global energy landscape is currently grappling with two significant challenges: the prevalence of greenhouse gas emissions from traditional energy production and the lack of access to energy for millions worldwide. To tackle these challenges head-on, energy transition initiatives are pushing for a shift towards sustainable and renewable energy sources, while effectively managing hydrocarbons - the cornerstone of our current energy framework.

The upcoming conference will explore essential aspects of managing hydrocarbons and highlight the significance of implementing effective energy management practices. This includes reducing usage and embracing cleaner technologies to minimize environmental impact while achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and operational efficiency. Ensuring long-term sustainability in energy management is paramount, requiring a delicate balance between meeting global energy demands and mitigating environmental concerns and legislations. Consumer expectations play a crucial role in shaping energy transition strategies, demanding minimal disruption to daily lives and energy supplies. Addressing these expectations and aligning them with a realistic transition plan is imperative for success. In summary, responsible management of hydrocarbons is indispensable for forging a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape. The transition plan must navigate the fine line between aspiration and pragmatism, emphasizing the urgency for a well-defined affordable strategy to realize a sustainable future energy.

Eng. A. Majeed Al Qassab

Conference Chairman
Conference & Exhibition 2025