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Bahrain Society of Engineers (BSE) is a non-profit professional organization established in 1972 that helps engineers develop their capabilities with its technical and social programs. Bahrain Society of Engineers has +1300 registered members from all categories, disciplines and nationalities including Bahrainis, Arab and foreign members.

BSE objectives include:

- Contributing to Bahrain’s industrial and urban development
- Regulating the engineering profession and enhancing its standards
- Expressing the interests and rights of its members
- Conducting scientific and practical research and encouraging the same through conferences, seminars, scientific visits and exchange of information between BSE and other engineering societies.

Further, BSE gives special attention to raising the professional awareness among its members updating them on the latest developments through organizing technical symposiums, seminars and visiting on-going projects. These exhibitions and conferences provide valuable opportunities for members to meet prominent experts, speakers and participants.


Abstract Submission
30 September 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance
15 October 2024

Presentation Submission
15 November 2024

Notification of Presentation Acceptance
15 December 2024

Final Presentation Submission
15 January 2025

Conference Date
11-13 February 2025